PigSty In July: Batlow Cider

29 June 2016 | 4:09 pm | Artist Submission

Answered by: Rich Coombes

How will you be adhering to the 'second hand formal' theme of the event? Having a boogie with Batlow in hand and getting some dust on the shirt and tie.

What will you be serving on the day? Delicious Batlow Cider.

Describe your signature flavour in ten words or less: Crisp, fresh and fruit-driven. Will quench any thirst.

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Will you have any special brews/cocktails/wines available on the day? We sure will. We'll have something a little special to surprise the crowd with.

Will there be a particular mood punters are put in when they drink your wares (want to dance, want to relax)? You'll feel amazing with a big smile whatever you're doing.

What food will best accompany your drop? The fruit-driven style of Batlow goes really well with pork, seafood and Asian dishes.

What is it about the Hunter region that makes it synonymous with alcoholic beverages (aside from all of the vineyards and breweries)? It's a wholesome place. So naturally made drinks whether they contain alcohol or not sit very nicely.  

What is your go-to hangover cure? Jump in a river or sea of cold water. It's foolproof.