A Deep Dark Look @ #Crazies

22 March 2016 | 3:35 pm | Staff Writer

"It's like scrolling through your newsfeed while contemplating your life. But instead of crying, you laugh — ha ha!"

"In the social media world run by #instaqueens and #vinekings, we find ourselves looking at our flabby thighs and thinking, "should I go to Europe?'"

That's Cull in a nutshell, the Melbourne International Comedy Festival show from Honor Wolff and Patrick Durnan Silva.

Cull, says Durnan Silva, was inspired by the seemingly infinite horde of "crazy people on the internet, specifically Facebook, YouTube and Instagram. The selfie uploaders, the cup song singers, the racist ranters — people who are delusional and yet we keep them all as our so called Facebook 'friends'".

Stylistically, Silva and his partner in crime are "inspired by comedy that is camp, surreal and sexy and that's exactly what you'll get with Cull".

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"[It's] a variety sketch show that follows the lives of two people deleting their Facebook friends as they go through the turmoil of who really matters, who is influential and who's the most ethnic friend?" Durnan Silva continues, "It's like scrolling through your newsfeed while contemplating your life. But instead of crying, you laugh — ha ha!"           

Durnan Silva says he hopes audience members are able to find, "an epiphany, true love and a Kinder Surprise" at the show, as well as "a realisation that Facebook shouldn't be taken seriously".

All things we could use, though you may want to cut your entrance close, since their warm-up is a little messy. "We sacrifice two chickens, one lamb and one of our mothers. We also have a bottle of mineral water to stay hydrated during the show. Afterwards we enter a satanic orgy with catatonic patients from St Vincent's hospital. And then we head to Old Bar and grab a beer."