MICF Roadshow Perth Focus: Cal Wilson

15 June 2016 | 4:21 pm | Artist Submission

What are the most important things to pack before a Roadshow? A decent-sized mug, and a peg. Hotels always have tiny cups, and the curtains never meet in the middle.

What roadside attraction are you most excited about? Well, I've seen The Big Banana and The Big Prawn, but I didn't know there was a World's Tallest Bin, so that's got me excited! Is it general rubbish, or recycling? Are basketballers the only ones who can use it?

What's been your favourite stop so far? This year I only get to go to Perth, so — Perth! I've been to Perth a few times, and I love it. It's always been my dream run around London Court pretending to be Harry Potter.

Do you have any road-trip stories you would use in your act? There are already a few, from Roadshows past. There's one about an alarming emu encounter that's a favourite.

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Are you the driver or the navigator? I've been both. Neither ended well (see Alarming Emu Encounter). I'm better off being the person who chooses the playlist, or who falls asleep in the back with their mouth open, and drools on another comedian (I have done both these things).

What's your favourite roadtrip movie? Pee-wee's Big Adventure. I reckon I could recite it off by heart (and will, if asked. Or even if not asked).

What's on your roadshow playlist? I've just checked what I've got on my phone. A whole bunch of Postmodern Jukebox, some Elbow, and quite a lot of kids music (I've got a seven-year-old). Knowing the other comedians, they'll totally go for the kids music.

When & Where: 16 - 18 Jun, His Majesty's Theatre