Meatstock Barbecue Wars Focus: Firehouse Barbecue

21 April 2017 | 5:28 pm | Artist Submission

Answered by: Ross

How did you get into the barbecue business? Saw the shows on TV that went to all kinds of amazing BBQ joints in the US and decided we had to get into it ourselves. From there opened a bottomless obsession of creating amazing low'n'slow BBQ.

What's your signature dish? Our signature dish is currently undergoing rigorous testing. Stay tuned at future competitions for what we end up releasing. It's going to send the kids wild!

Can you let us in on what you're bringing to the BBQ Wars? 2 x Kamado Akorns and 1x Kamado Big Joe. We are currently building a smoker trailer, it's almost there but won't be making a debut until later in the season. Comfy chairs 'cause there's going to be a lot of sitting!

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Which bands/artists are you keen to catch at Meatstock? The Fumes!

If you could feed any band/artist playing at Meatstock who would it be and what would you serve them? The Fumes! We would serve chicken, everybody loves chicken!

What else are you looking forward to at Meatstock? Gettin' amongst it with the other comp teams, chattin' BBQ with the public and smokin' some amazing meats that are going to tantalise the judges' tastebuds! We came, we smoked, we conquered.