Why Mantis & The Prayer Travel Between Worlds

16 May 2016 | 3:21 pm | Brynn Davies

"Music that opens dimensions of feelings and evokes the beyond."

If you want to speak to some far-out guys, buy Mantis & The Prayer a beer when they come to your city on tour. Their sound, as described by the "head of the snake" William Parmelee, is "otherworldly gothic blues mixed with candle sticks and magic".

"It all started in the suburbs of New York City when I had a vision in a mirror. There was a strange mantis face staring back at me! From that point on I forged a unique sound through New York, London and now in Melbourne, which is known as Mantis & The Prayer," explains Parmelee. Praying Mantis — Mantis & The Prayer, geddit?

His musical inspirations are drawn from "subject matter that pulls me into another frame of mind and spirit. Traveling between worlds to bring back a message that is not even immediately known to myself. Music that opens dimensions of feelings and evokes the beyond", says Parmelee. Far out, dude. They're celebrating the release of their debut album Butterflies & Demons by rewarding punters wearing the "appropriate attire" ie. a butterfly or a demon outfit, at their live show in June, with "a free pre-release CD can be obtained by party people. Zion!"

"Recording is a slow sculpturing of sonic art but on stage it is immediate! I love the spontaneous energy that occurs when playing live, the interaction with a crowd that lifts everything higher… We want not nothing less than to recreate the world with our flair and style." They totally sounds like the kind of band to put on an entertaining show, and who would miss the opportunity to wear big wings to a gig?!

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