Why are you coming to visit our fair country? To play at the Golden Plains festival, which seems to be a pretty fucking awesome festival. Then we’re doing club shows in Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane. Really looking forward to coming over again!
Is this your first visit? Nope, here last year for the Soundwave festival. It’s nice to get away for a bit from the Swedish winter.
How long are you here for? More or less a week.
What do you know about Australia, in ten words or less? Great weather, huuuuuge, snorkeling, rare animals, colonial shadow, nice people.
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Any extra-curricular activities you hope to participate in? No idea? Feel free to give me some suggestions if we meet. Maybe records with Masters Apprentices or Buffalo?
What will you be taking home as a souvenir? I hope to get some sort of nature experience: snorkeling, a small hike or something like that.
Where can we come say hi, and buy you an Aussie beer? Golden Plains, Meredith, 7 – 9 Mar. And also Ding Dong Lounge, 7 Mar.
Website link for more info? facebook.com/graveyardofficial