Get inspired and let the creative juices flow with expert advice from young guns..
Insights are Pilerats' motivational video talks series. They're a great source of inspiration if you're stuck in a career rut, perfect for when that creative block strikes, or just for when you have a few minutes of downtime and feel like watching something educational in your working day.
They're kind of like TED Talks, only Australian-based, with subjects that are twenty/thirty somethings that we can relate to. Everyone we choose to chat to for Insights is someone whose personally inspired us with what they've pulled off with their career or passion projects, and we want you guys to meet them.
Right now, we're focusing on creatives working in the art and design world, with a special "art series" Insights. This week we chatted to bosslady legend Aimee Johns - founder of art supplies stores/gallery spaces The Butcher Shop (she owns 3 in W.A.!) & co-founder of the OnWilliam collective. Aimee shares some practical advice on establishing a business in a creative industry.
#PileTV's Insights: The Art Series. Bosslady legend Aimee - founder of art supplies stores/gallery spaces The Butcher Shop (she owns 3 in W.A.!) & co-founder of the OnWilliam collective - shares some practical advice on establishing a creative business:
Posted by Pilerats on Tuesday, February 9, 2016
Watch more Insights episodes (some featuring our very own Pilerats staff!) at our Youtube Channel, Pile TV: