When did you start making music and why? I began writing music in grade eight with my high school band, for Battle Of The Bands. I haven't written many songs since grade 12 and hope to start writing a few more.
Sum up your musical sound in four words? Alternative, acoustic, folk, pop
If you could only listen to one album forevermore, what would it be and why? Coldplay — Viva La Vida. It's such a catchy and well written album. I love how they write their albums so the songs flow onto one another and you feel a certain vibe throughout the album.
Greatest rock'n'roll moment of your career to date? My band won the state rock challenge in grade 11 and received the opportunity to play at Breath Of Life (Launceston music festival), which was a pretty cool experience.
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Why should people come and see you? I'd like to think I write catchy songs that people can easily sing along to and possibly relate to.
When and where for your next gig? 7 Jul, Keep One Eye on the Stranger @ Festival Of Voices, The Voicebox.