Artist/Band: The McQueens
Name: Noah Harris
When did you start making music and why? We started making music together at 14 so I can’t remember. Other bands start playing music for free beer or for girls. Neither of those things were important or, rather, readily available at that age.
Sum up your musical sound in four words? Music for the OC.
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If you could only listen to one album forevermore, what would it be and why? Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix. It’s just a great pop album, where every song is a single. And I guess it represents a bit of a zeitgeist for me. The other guys would choose quite differently I expect.
Greatest rock'n'roll moment of your career to date? We haven’t done anything that rock and roll in a while. At 17 we had fake IDs to get into our own shows. Once we got knocked-back but we managed to sneak in the back door and played the show.
Why should people come and see your band? Come for drinks and dancing. Also we have a lot of good-looking friends…. Who knows you might meet someone special.
When and where for your next gig? The Evelyn Hotel on February 5. Doors at 8:30 / $10 cover charge. With support from Slowcoach and Tom Prettys.
Website link for more info?