Have You Heard: The Demon Parade

14 August 2015 | 4:42 pm | Staff Writer

"I had my headset on while feeding balls and plugging our new EP at the same time!"

Answered by: Michael Badger

When did you start making music and why? I grew up in a family of musicians so sitting in on rehearsals in the lounge room was the norm for a Sunday afternoon and by 14 I had started my own original band. 

Sum up your musical sound in four words? 13th dimension hypnotic rock. 

If you could support any band in the world — past or present — who would it be? It's got to be The Rolling Stones. They're the best and biggest band ever so that's easy to answer. 

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If you could only listen to one album forevermore, what would it be and why? Exile On Main St — The Rolling Stones. I started learning guitar becaise of this album and it still resonates with me today in a different way. You can really grow with that record! 

Greatest rock'n'roll moment of your career to date? Doing a live to air interview recently while I was on a tennis court teaching a kid tennis (my day job). I had my headset on while feeding balls and plugging our new EP at the same time! 

Why should people come and see your band? Because we aren't DJs playing other someone else's crap doof doof music. 

When and where for your next gig? 21 Aug, Old Manly Boatshed; 22 Aug, The Standard Bowl; 23 Aug, Frankie's Pizza.

Website link for more info? facebook.com/thedemonparade