Answered by: Grace Turbott
Why should punters visit you? It's an intimate music collaboration project which encourages emerging artists to connect with each other. Come to support local music and get inspired by the ideas flowing.
What's the history of the event? It's been running since the beginning of June and is going to finish up at the end of July. So there's only a couple of sessions left to get amongst.
Any advice for first timers who want to visit the event? Come a bit early to snag a spot by the fire.
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Who's performing this time around? There are four artists each week — but you'll have to come to find out the line-up :-) If you want to participate, email to inquire.
Do you have any plans for the event in the future? The Jamboree has been a beautiful addition to our pub events this winter, so hopefully we'll be able to run it again next year.
When and where for your next event? Charles Weston Hotel. All Thursdays in July from 8pm.