Have You Been To: Batz Night Terrors EP Launch

12 September 2016 | 4:54 pm | Artist Submission

Answered by: Christina Aubry, vocalist/head cheerleader

Why should punters visit you? Because it's the most punk thing you will do this weekend.

What's the history of the event? Batz is spreading the love of our new EP and we want you all to join in on this historical event.

Any advice for first timers who want to visit the event? Bring a towel, it's gonna get sweaty. 

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Who's performing this time around? Batz, Jurassic Narc, HEAVY LIDS (Sydney) and The Rollercanes.

Do you have any plans for the event in the future? General world domination/probably an album to follow.

When and where for your next event? 16 Sep, Evelyn Hotel.