Gettin' Comfy: Soula

31 January 2017 | 4:46 pm | Artist Submission

Answered by: Ben Karklins (saxophone)

What is it about the venue that makes you want to a run of shows there? The Evelyn is a Melbourne INSTITUTION! It's regularly frequented by some of our favourite local bands as well as touring acts. We're pretty chuffed to be playing such a great punter venue throughout February.

Same set every week or mixing it up? We definitely have our go-tos, the tracks that get people moving, but there'll always be plenty of tricks up our sleeves each week.

Any special guests going to make an appearance during your tenure? Absolutely! We have fresh supports every week, the first of which is Diamonds Of Neptune. If you haven't heard them yet then make sure that changes. These guys are favourites of ours. 

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Favourite position at the venue when you're not on stage? Front and centre with a beer supporting the other bands of course! 

When are you in residence? 6, 13, 20 & 27 Feb, Evelyn Hotel.

Website link for more info?