A quick chat with surfer/artist/Goons Of Doom lord Ozzie Wright ahead of Sweaty Palms this weekend..
Ozzie Wright is a jack of all trades. Top shelf surfer, rad artist, musician, skater, not Owen Wright (as this idiot managed to confuse when flicking him some questions)... He designed the poppin' artwork for this weekend's Sweaty Palms mini-fest that we're helping present, and his band Goons Of Doom are also playing as part of their huge national tour. We caught up with Wright to learn a little more about the guy:
What mediums do you use? Do you like to use many or do tend to use the same tools again and again?
Surfboards, guitars, paints, pens, computers, skateboards, sticks and wool, ukuleles, postie bikes, cameras... I use heaps of stuff.
Where do the ideas for your work come from? Is there a particular time or place in your life that seems to generate a lot of your ideas?
Not particularly but if I’m really happy my work will be really bright and rainbows will appear all over the place, but I also like to draw skulls and evil stuff sometimes.
Who/what inspire you and your work the most?
Other artists, friends and family, strangers on the street, losers on the lounge, weirdos in the wild...
What have you been listening to lately and how the hell is Goons Of Doom going?
All I listen to is Dead Moon. Goons are going great at the moment. We have a tour and merch - we bought a badge machine which is fun.
What is something new you have noticed or learned recently?
Longer narrow boards are better for tweaking your airs on..but I like to ride little fat twinnies mostly...
What was the best piece of advice you have ever received?
YOLO and also that being unhealthy kills you, so I’m doing my best to clean up my diet etc. It feels really great.
Can you suggest three artists/illustrators/creatives we should check out?
Ummmm Misaki Kawaii, Angela Dallinger, Chris Kerr.
Thanks a lot for you time! Any last words/shout outs?
Go for broke but don’t break.
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