Face The Music: Chrissie Vincent

10 November 2015 | 1:00 pm | Artist Submission

"I hope I can help those interested with tactics and knowledge to tackle this crazy business of music."

Publicist & Associate Head of Entertainment Management, Collarts

How did you first become involved in the music business? My first job was at Festival Records in 1981 in the PR department in Sydney. I loved music, talking to people and going to gigs so the job was perfect for me.

What's your area of expertise and what experience do you have? I've worked across a lot of areas in the music industry at record labels, radio stations, and MTV so I have a great overall knowledge of the business but my expertise is in publicity and promo.

What topics will you be mostly talking about at Face The Music? Publicity, promotions and what steps young artists need to take to build a profile.

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What do you hope to personally take away from Face The Music? I hope I can help those interested with tactics and knowledge to tackle this crazy business of music.

What's one question about the music industry you'd love to have the answer to? Why don't commercial radio play more Australian content and support the local industry?