EP Focus: Red Light Riot

10 March 2017 | 11:58 am | Artist Submission

Answered by: Nina von Johannsohn & Kris Killriot

EP Title? The Remains

How many releases do you have now? This is our third release.

Was anything in particular inspiring you during the making? Kris: Lyrically I was inspired by thinking about the human mind and how it reacts to trauma. There is a darkness that can cover your light but there is a light that can beat the darkness too.

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What's your favourite song on it? Don't Go - it's emotional when we play it as it's about suicide. The more awareness we create about suicide prevention the better.

We'll like this EP if we like... Nina: We've got strong punk rock influences but also heavy rock and alternative rock influences. Our sound definitely can't be pigeonholed as one genre; our main theme is high energy.

When and where is your launch/next gig? The Remains tour dates: 3 Mar, Gaslight Tavern; 4 Mar, The Hotel Metro; 18 Mar, Whole Lotta Love; 21 Apr, The Hideaway Bar.

Website link for more info? facebook.com/redlightriotau