Answered by: Giuliano Ferla
EP Title? Guilt Pop/Stay Posi Double EP
How many releases do you have now? Two. The first EP, Guilt Pop, came out in late 2015 and now it's getting re-released with Stay Posi.
Was anything in particular inspiring you during the making? They were both made at pretty different times of my life. Guilt Pop was me stretching my songwriting away from the other band I was in at the time. Stay Posi is all breakup songs.
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What's your favourite song on it? I feel like it's mean to have favourites, but there's a love letter called You're There that's sweet and simple.
We'll like this EP if we like... Emotions. Sad discos. Solid gold pop bangers.
When and where is your launch/next gig? 16 Jun, The Tote. The Ocean Party, Girlatones and Loose Tooth DJs will be supporting.
Website link for more info?