Answered by: Elle Walsh
EP Title? Dead End Brawler
How many releases do you have now? This is our first release. New band and new songs. It's the first tentative steps towards a set of releases.
Was anything in particular inspiring you during the making? We all come from different bands, we're all friends and i think we just wanted a new challenge. Personally the challenge is guitar which is something i haven't played a lot of.
What's your favourite song on it? Whores and Cakes. Liam wrote the bulk of this one and I like Liam, he's my friend, I like friends.
We'll like this EP if we like... Loud punky heavy musics, but even if you do like that you might not like our EP. I guess either way your gonna have to Spotify it.
When and where is your launch/next gig? The Boston on August 26 with the mighty Hope Street, Fuzz Toads and Ohm Rune whom are also launching some vinyl.
Website link for more info?