EP Focus: Amanda Canzurlo

10 November 2015 | 12:51 pm | Artist Submission

"If you like earthy smooth vocals with depth and want to chill to some cool electronica sounds, then you will like my EP."

EP title: Bloom 

How many releases do you have now? I have released my first single GHOST and this is my debut EP. 

Was anything in particular inspiring you during the making? I suppose death, love and loss are the main topics covered. I am always in shock when any of the above happen so I was just drawing upon those experiences. 

What's your favourite song on it? GHOST was the first one my co-writer/producer and I finished, first single, so I have a soft spot for it.

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We'll like this EP if we like... Banks, Lana Del Rey. If you like earthy smooth vocals with depth and want to chill to some cool electronica sounds, then you will like my EP :) 

When and where is your launch/next gig? EP launch is at The Ellington on 18 Nov. I am also super excited to play at the Disconnect Festival in Fairbridge on 11 Dec! 

Website link for more info? bloomofficial.com.au