Chilblain: Frankie Goes To Bollywood.

5 August 2002 | 12:00 am | Dave Cable
Originally Appeared In

Time To Chil.

Chilblain play the B Lounge this Thursday night

Aside from their regular live performances in Brisbane, local loudmeisters Chilblain have a new EP in the pipeline. What better way to discuss this than by getting the boys online for an email interview? The questions unravelled thus….

What’s the band’s history? How did everything come together?

“Chilblain have been together for over four years now, with a bunch of line up changes, but the two original band members are Fish on vox and Kuzzy on bass. The band came together when all members were in high school together. But as the line-up changed over the years, friends in other bands on the scene have generally been the source of our new band members.”

Could you explain Bolly Power? Is it similar to the Spice Girls’ Girl Power, or is it somehow derived from watching Indian Bollywood films?

“Bolly Power is our energy we release when we play, but it can generally be used in any context. If someone is going hard up the front of the pit or something, they are releasing bolly power too. Bollyism can be used in any form by anybolly!”

How far away is the new disc? What can we expect from the recording?

“We've just finished mixing the new EP, (it's titled Tenfour), so now it’s off to mastering at 301 with Steve Smart and then off to press, so hopefully only about four weeks away. This stuff always takes longer than expected for some reason!”

“People can expect a hard hitting group of songs with extremely melodic lines to complement the raw grind. It is on a whole new level from our first EP, Blueprint, songwise and on the production level. We've really taken our time to get what we want in terms of sound quality on this EP. Tenfour will also contain a new multimedia video when you throw it into your computer. There's some great live performance and studio footage on that one!”

Eleven tracks is a lot for an EP, why not just call it an album?

“There's only seven actual songs on Tenfour, all the other tracks are soundscaping and interludes etc. We don’t want to seem like we're trying to make it out to be a full album and we also want to try and keep the price down on it so everyone can afford it and enjoy.”

How has the band evolved between the release of your Blueprint EP and the new disc?

“Apart from a line up change (with our new drummer Kidd joining Chilblain), we've taken the entire Chilblain project a lot more seriously and professionally. Blueprint was in a way 'banged up' in a couple of weeks and to us, it shows. It doesn't really do us justice, or so we've been told!”

“Not only have we been working on our song writing a lot more, we've also been working on our stage performance. We'll find the inner bolly power from deep within and release it from start to finish at our gigs: guaranteed!”