BIGSOUND 2022 Artist Profile: Platonic Sex

5 September 2022 | 6:04 pm | Staff Writer

Getting to know Platonic Sex!

More Platonic Sex More Platonic Sex

Describe your live show in 5 words...

The BIGSOUND show feels gritty, intentional, honest (hopefully) and lots and lots of fun!

Who are most excited to see perform at BIGSOUND?

Mostly my interstate mates! Chloe Dadd from Sydney was so great when we played earlier in the year and I can't wait to hear them again!

What do you hope to take away from BIGSOUND 2022?

To go on a date with Rebecca Black would be nice.

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What are you most proud of from the past 12 months?

The new songs, always the songs! The song writing is the core of this band and writing together with Mikki, Jane and Ry is my most favourite thing! Earlier in the year we went on a writing trip to Straddy (Stradbroke Island) and it was gorgeous!

What is a topic that we should be talking more about as an industry?

The bullying and sexual harassment in this industry could never be discussed enough. Working towards a future that is sustainable for non white, cis, straight men is so important, and listening to the brave voices of (especially non white) women, non binary, and trans people that have done the work is key to ensuring this.