Beast Feast Focus: Dan Brodie

12 February 2016 | 12:57 pm | Artist Submission

"I think that they are possibly a lot drunker when they are overseas and as a result play a lot better."

Answered by: Dan Brodie

What five words spring to mind when you hear "Oz rock 'n' roll"? Blood, sweat, beer in plastic cups.

Why do you think some Aussie rock bands find more success overseas than on home turf? I think that they are possibly a lot drunker when they are overseas and as a result play a lot better.

What's your favourite Beast release and why? Hits — Living With You Is Killing Me. Lotsa dirt and grime and menace and some great songs to boot!

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What to you is the greatest Oz rock song and why? Chase The Dragon — Beasts Of Bourbonbecause it is dark and menacing and makes you want to boogie. I also like Carol (The Peep Tempel) for the same reasons.

What are you most looking forward to about Beast Feast? Playing at The Tote again and hanging out with my compadres, catching some great local and interstate bands and staying up way past my bedtime.

Beast Feast is on at The Tote on 19 & 20 Feb.