Answered by: Gavin Zacher
Album title? Hatred And Tolerance
Where did the title of your new album come from? We had the title early on. It's sort of a concept album, the lyrical content reflects society's abundance of problems, and instead of solutions to those problems, there are just Band-Aids. We're the symptom!
How many releases do you have now? In April 2015 we released our self-titled EP. Two physical releases, and plenty of artwork to collect digitally and physically.
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How long did it take to write/record? Writing and recording is easy for us. We write things we can't play, so we have to improve as an ensemble. I think it took about two weeks to record, 18 months to write.
Was anything in particular inspiring you during the making? A lot of what inspires me is my relationships. I try to write music for TE with moments, my guitar solos reflect that. I'm more in touch with my anger when I'm at my best.
What's your favourite song on it? My favourite song on the album is The Curse Of The Nocturnal Eternity. It's the end, I like good endings.
Will you do anything differently next time? Methodically, we want to have more pre-production of our own before we hit the studio. We're already writing. It is the same... Just a stronger band.
When and where is your launch/next gig? We launch our album on 25 Jun in Sydney's Valve Bar, then we hit Melbourne's Brunswick Hotel 1 Jul and Canberra's The Basement 2 Jul!
Website link for more info?