Album Focus: Tim Guy

18 November 2015 | 10:28 am | Artist Submission

"It came from thinking about the thing that brings all the electricity into my life."

Album title? Chords

Where did the title of your new album come from? It came from thinking about the thing that brings all the electricity into my life. When I think of Chords, I get blue laser beams with a pink outer.

How many releases do you have now? I have five albums now. You know Slim Dusty released over 100 albums... the first person ever. That's the way.

How long did it take to write/record? Two years from start to finish, but that was just a money thing really... just raising the funds to get into a recording-type situation takes a whole lot of time.

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Was anything in particular inspiring you during the making? Well, this was the first time in ten years that I have recorded in an actual studio. They are wonderful places, just fantasy — whole facilities built entirely to capture music in the best possible way.

What's your favourite song on it?  Track three, The Rambler... My grandfather died last year, a shit time... He could really dance, each move choreographed. 

Will you do anything differently next time? I would hope I would definitely do it quicker, but we had a lot of fun making it, so I'll work out a way to keep our same team together.

When and where is your launch/next gig? Adelaide — Crown & Sceptre Hotel, 25 Nov. Sydney — The Bearded Tit, 5 Dec. Brisbane — The Triffid, 17 Jan.

Website link for more info?