Single Focus: Emily Barker

9 April 2017 | 6:06 pm | Staff Writer

More Emily Barker More Emily Barker

Single title? Sunrise
Where did the title of your new single come from? The song is about road tripping. Sleeping in the back of a car with your lover, waking up with the sun (hence the title) and heading further away on an adventure. 
How many releases do you have now? I have 10 full albums and three EPs. 
How long did it take to write/record? I wrote this album over the course of two years. 
Was anything in particular inspiring you during the making? I made this album in Memphis at Sam Phillips Recording Service with an all-star cast of Memphis musicians and an incredible producer, Matt Ross-Spang. We recorded live to tape. 
Will you do anything differently next time? If I could relive that whole experience, I wouldn't do anything differently. But of course my next album will have a completely different identity. 
Website link for more info?