Album Focus: Elk Bell

15 September 2017 | 7:51 pm | Staff Writer

Answered by: Tenille Elkins
Album title? Republica d'fantAsia
Where did the title of your new album come from? I glanced over and saw two passports, mine Australian, the other Italian. I started to imagine a fantasyland and passport. I put an emphasis on the 'Asia' within that as I have Sri Lankan heritage.
How many releases do you have now? This is my second full-length album release under the name Elk Bell. The first was titled Superfragilitic.
How long did it take to write/record? Recording commenced in October 2011, the day after my first album launch at The Velvet Lounge. The songs were written in the year or so prior. Am ready to record the next!
Was anything in particular inspiring you during the making? As it was over such a long period of time there was so much! Some songs about myself, others about friends or 'fantasy'. The people I worked with during recording were extremely inspiring.
What's your favourite song on it? I Was Yours followed very closely by Passport.
Will you do anything differently next time? Besides not taking six years? It's hard to say, it took so long but I have the product I want. The next songs lend themselves to a stripped back affair.
When and where is your launch/next gigs? 29 September at The Fly By Night, Victoria Hall, Fremantle. It's a dual album launch with good friend Hugh Jennings who is launching his own album on the night.
Website link for more info?