Album title? Raven
Where did the title of your new album come from? It first appeared as a lyric, warning a lover about the darkness I was hiding. "Watch out for the Raven/I cannot contain her." So it's a description of me, really - of my shadow sides.
How many releases do you have now? Two. I released an EP a few years ago called Little Dreamer, produced by Tony Buchen (Montaigne, Washington).
How long did it take to write/record? I wrote the songs over a couple of years, but we recorded it in six weeks. It was pretty intensive - I basically lived at my producer's studio for the majority of it!
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Was anything in particular inspiring you during the making? I'm a cathartic songwriter, so my inspiration often comes from the turmoil of my 'over-emotional artist' brain! I actually went through a break-up during recording too so that imbued it with some extra-raw feeling.
What's your favourite song on it?: Under Water. I just love the eeriness of it and the satisfying impact when those heavier sections kick in.
Will you do anything differently next time? Of course! Making albums is a constant learning game. I'd love to have longer in the studio for the next one, to give the material more breathing time to develop.
When and where is your launch/next gig? 23 Mar, The Toff In Town.
Website link for more info?