Answered by: Shannon Carroll
Album title? Men Of Wood & Foam
Where did the title of your new album come from? Men Of Wood & Foam is the original film soundtrack to the historical surf documentary of the same name. It is being screened at Cape Mentelle winery in Margaret River Mar 26.
How many releases do you have now? We have six surf film soundtracks and two studio album releases all available through our label Low Pressure Productions.
How long did it take to write/record? We wrote and recorded it in three days exploring three decades of surf inspired sounds. We focused on a decade a day from late '50s soul jazz through '60s surf guitars and '70s psychedelic vibes.
Was anything in particular inspiring you during the making? We were inspired by the deep history of Australian surf music, how it has been such an integral part of the subculture since the beginning and how it has reflected the changes of the times.
What's your favourite song on it? My favourite track is a '60s surf rock/spaghetti western collision we called The Blow In.
Will you do anything differently next time? We'll probably delve deeper into the writing process we call "Powerball" where we launch into a new idea, all join in and hopefully create a new song within three minutes.
When and where is your launch/next gig? Mar 18, Settlers Tavern; Mar 19, Clancy's Dunsborough; Mar 23, Prince Of Wales, Bunbury; Mar 24, Mojo's Bar; Mar 25, Indi Bar; Mar 26, Cape Mentelle Winery
Website link for more info?