We have a chat with Mark from District ahead of the club's first birthday.
What's happened with the club night in the last year?
We had a rocky start, our first venue wouldn't allow punters to wear what they want (caps and sneakers), and we weren't about to be pushed around by big wigs, so we did what we thought was best for our punters and moved before launching to our favourite club; Ambar. District has always been flexible, its always been about a bass music community, this has been great because as Genres are evolving and growing we have been able to showcase new styles coming through, as long as its bass oriented.
What do you put the success of your night down to?
100% local talent. We don't pay thousands of $$ for huge acts, because we already have massive talent right here in Perth.
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Has anyone ever worn their birthday suit at your night? Not that I'm aware of, but Ambar can be a dark place, so who knows…
What's the weirdest thing in the last year you've found when the lights have come on? Shame…
If your night was a stripper, what would your stage name be and why? Double D Drops, coz we packing heat in the hi's, mids, and especially down low.
Who takes the cake for the best/craziest set in your club in the last year (why/what happened)? Zeke, the dude just has stupid turtablism skills, he needs to get out of Perth and show the world what he can do.
What's the thing you're most proud of that your night's contributed to the music scene in the last year? Not needing to bring in huge names to pull consistent crowds.
What other shows/tours have you got coming up? We are always dedicated to the Ambar and Boomtick Family, so we get involved with any show there. Next up the District Lads are supporting Savage Skulls on March 9
What sort of celebration is in order? District always has the best vibe, and this will be amplified for our birthday celebration. Massive local lineup filled with seriously talented local producers.
WHAT: District 1st Birthday
WHEN & WHERE: Friday 1 March, Ambar. Doors open 10pm.