Founded: 3 / 1994
Location: United States
Deerhoof is an American musical group formed in San Francisco in 1994. They consist of founding drummer Greg Saunier, bassist and singer Satomi Matsuzaki, and guitarists John Dieterich and Ed Rodriguez. Beginning as an improvised noise punk band, Deerhoof became widely renowned and influential in the 2000s through their self-produced albums.They have released seventeen studio albums since 1997. Their most recent album, Miracle-Level, was released on 31 March 2023.
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“You have to wait for the dust to settle and get away from the chaos of making something and obsessing over it completely.”
"We’re not a new band, and we don’t necessarily get the press we thought we would when we were younger..."
Not many of the songs break the three-minute mark, but then again, few of the best pop tunes do.
Highly recommended listening if you like your indie music well done.
Breakup Song is thankfully as indecipherable, unexplainable and enjoyable as Deerhoof can get.