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The Top 8 candidates for who is possibly behind that loveable rascal of purposely-poor paint skills, Flerm.. I remember when Flerm first began. Splendour In The Grass weekend was just getting started, we were having a few quiet beverages, and I showed all my friends this new FB page called Flerm. And we LOL’d. Oh how we LOL’d. It was much internet. The muchest we could handle. Or is that a doge thing? They’re all kinda blending together now. It continued on in humorous fashion through the latter half of 2013, mostly focusing on the up-and-coming “Australian Sound” scene, producing hilariously bad drawings of such luminaries as Erlersen Wundalen, Erscer Ker Sin and Chert Ferker. He even made really funny edits of Flume tracks with too many cowbells. It was great. For a while it almost became a right of passage for those young producers - you got Flerm'd, you'd made it. And pretty much ever since I've been wondering who the fuck is behind the one you know as Flerm. Especially in more rec
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