"I Wish Virginia Grohl Was My Mum": Overheard At BIGSOUND Day Three

7 September 2018 | 4:13 pm | The Music Team

Hello BIGSOUND, we're listening...



Just like that BIGSOUND is over... But you know what's not? Overheard At BIGSOUND. Here's what went down last night.

Word on the street is...
"Play Smoko" - excuse me sir, that's Candy, not The Chats.

"Nah, fuck BIGSOUND. We're not here for that" - a v disgruntled Brisbanite.

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"I wish Virginia Grohl was my mum" - us too, keynote attendee, us too.

"I was almost ready to go home and now..." says man throwing hands in the air in celebration following Fortune Shumba's EPIC set.

"The Valley is pumping for a Thursday" - Another Brisbanite who doesn't know what a BIGSOUND is.

Person A: "Why weren’t you up front?"
Very tall Person B: "I don’t like pushing up front and blocking people’s views."
Person A: "No one cares how tall you are."
Yes, yes we do. We salute you very tall person for your respect of gig etiquette.

"Last year I was at BIGSOUND hassling people to listen my Soundcloud link" - G Flip on the difference a year can make, while playing to an at capacity Famous nightclub. 

Everyone's chatting about...
Fortune Shumba - Our most trusted BIGSOUND tipster pointed us in the direction of Fortune Shumba and it paid off. Tears were shed, longest ovation we heard all BIGSOUND and he stayed to hug the crowd.

Rat!Hammock - The Woolly Mammoth was rammed solid. So hot there was a line for the free water. A who’s who of industry influencers checking them out.

Thando - Black Bear Lodge was literally that full for Thando's set that there was a line of 20+ people waiting to get in...

Slowly Slowly - More like fastly, fastly growing crowd. Kudos to you if managed to get into their set at Crowbar. 

PLANET - Their sweet, sweet tunes won us over at the Oztix 15th Anniversary. 

A Swayze & The Ghosts - We caught three times in less than two days.

And, everrrrrrryyyyone is talking about KAIIT

PS You know you are at the right gig when you see Emerson Snowe, Jen Cloher or Dom Alessio there. If all three are in the room at the same time you are definitely watching the next BIGTHING.

Mullet Watch
It's been a big week of mullets. Special mention to The Goon Sax's Louis Forster with the brand new baby mullet (Sharpie-esque), and the guy at Woolly Mammoth who had a pretty sweet gelled back number.

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